My Top 10 Favorite New Features in OpenBOM from 2023

Oleg Shilovitsky
Oleg Shilovitsky
28 December, 2023 | 4 min for reading
My Top 10 Favorite New Features in OpenBOM from 2023

2023 is coming to an end and it is time to make a retrospective about what we did at OpenBOM this year. My favorite part is to look behind all OpenBOM releases and choose the top 10 features we released to help our customers and improve the OpenBOM service. 

OpenBOM is a cloud-native service, which like many other cloud-native systems is in the perceptual development. We are making fixes, improving features, and introducing new capabilities in OpenBOM all the time. All OpenBOM users and customers are continuously and instantly upgraded to new versions without even paying attention to the upgrade and without the need to migrate their work. 

In 2023, OpenBOM made 11 production updates and released a slew of exciting new features and capabilities to enhance its functionality and usability. I’m thrilled to share my top 10 favorite features that were introduced throughout the year.

User-Defined Commands (February 5th, 2023):

One of the most anticipated features in OpenBOM’s 2023 update was User-Defined Commands. This feature allows users to create custom commands and tailor specific tasks and behaviors, significantly improving the flexibility of OpenBOM. With this addition, OpenBOM has become even more adaptable to individual workflow preferences.

Read more about User-Defined Commands

BOM Compare (March 2023):

In March 2023, OpenBOM introduced the BOM Compare feature, which simplifies the process of comparing Bill of Materials (BOMs) from different revisions or sources. This enhancement streamlines collaboration and ensures that everyone is working with the latest and most accurate data.


Read more about BOM Compare

CAD Revision Feature (April 2023):

The CAD revision feature introduced in April 2023 is an important improvement of CAD add-ins. It allows users to manage and track revisions of CAD documents independently and include them in item/BOM data. It supports better traceability between design revisions and BOMs.

Read more about CAD Revision Feature

New AWS Architecture:

OpenBOM’s shift to a new AWS architecture signifies improved scalability, performance, and reliability. This infrastructure update ensures that OpenBOM can handle the growing needs of its users while maintaining robust security measures.

Graph Navigation (May 2023):

The Graph Navigation feature, launched in May 2023, offers a more intuitive and visually engaging way to explore and navigate complex BOM structures. This makes it easier for users to understand the relationships within their BOMs, reducing errors and enhancing efficiency.

Tree Browser

Graph Browser

Read more about Graph Navigation

New Dashboard (June 30th, 2023):

OpenBOM unveiled an improved dashboard in June 2023, providing users with a more organized and insightful view of their data. The new dashboard enhances data visualization and helps users make data-driven decisions more effectively.

Read more about the New Dashboard

Autodesk Platform Service Support with Fusion360 / Revit Support (August 4th, 2023):

The addition of Advanced Planning and Scheduling (APS) support, along with integrations for Fusion360 and Revit, expands OpenBOM’s compatibility and usefulness for manufacturing and architecture professionals. These integrations facilitate a seamless workflow and data exchange between Autodesk data and tools with OpenBOM.

Read more about APS Support and Integrations

Custom Objects (September 17th, 2023):

Custom Objects, introduced in September 2023, allow users to create unique data structures to suit specific business needs. This customization empowers organizations to adapt OpenBOM to their processes fully.

Read more about Custom Objects

Design Project including Workspace Manager and Smart Sync (October 1st, 2023):

The combination of Design Project, Workspace Manager, and Smart Sync introduced in October 2023 revolutionizes collaboration and project management within OpenBOM. These features enable teams to work seamlessly on design projects while keeping data synchronized and organized.

Read more about Design Project + Workspace Manager + Smart Sync

SOC2 Type Certified (November 2023):

In November 2023, OpenBOM achieved SOC2 Type Certification, demonstrating its commitment to security and data protection. This certification provides peace of mind to users, knowing that their data is handled with the utmost care and security.

Read more about SOC2 Type Certification

Change Management – Approval Templates, Customer Attributes, and Notifications (December 22nd, 2023):

As the year comes to a close, OpenBOM’s December update brings crucial Change Management features. Approval Templates, Customer Attributes, and Notifications streamline the process of tracking and managing changes, ensuring accountability and transparency.

Read more about Change Management


OpenBOM’s continuous innovation throughout 2023 has greatly improved its capabilities, making it an indispensable tool for professionals across various industries. These new features and updates not only enhance productivity but also reinforce OpenBOM’s position as a leading solution to support product development, engineering, and manufacturing support. I’m excited to see how OpenBOM will continue to evolve in the coming years, further empowering users and businesses worldwide.

Stay tuned for our 2024 Roadmap article later this week. 

REGISTER FOR FREE and check how OpenBOM can help you today. 

Best, Oleg

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