OpenBOM MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication) Support Is Now Available!

Oleg Shilovitsky
Oleg Shilovitsky
1 June, 2021 | 2 min for reading
OpenBOM MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication) Support Is Now Available!

Security is perceived as one of the top three concerns of vendors when it comes to the adoption of cloud-based and SaaS applications. And with good reason, it seems like a week can’t go by without me hearing about some sort of data breach. 

After tracking multiple cloud technology discussions for the last decade, I can see a clear downward trend within manufacturing companies and their concerns about cloud environments. 

A recently published report by CIMdata, the leading resource of research and consulting in PLM, demonstrates that 66% of companies participating in the research are considering a move to use cloud-based PLM solutions. You can download CIMdata research white papers here.Data Encryption 

Security is on the top list of our priorities. At OpenBOM we are continuously focusing on security and working to improve OpenBOM technologies to provide safe environments for our customers, their data, and their IP assets. As such OpenBOM, provides full encryption of data in both transit and at rest for all OpenBOM subscription plans (including free and paid plans) 

Multi-Factor (MFA) Authentication 

Following requests and support of our key large customers, OpenBOM will provide support for Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) with this release. The MFA will be available to all OpenBOM Company Subscriptions. An administrator now has the option to enable MFA under the Company Settings area. As of this moment, we support Google Authenticator or any equivalent MFA app.

Company administrators can reset Individual company members’ MFA in the Edit User dialog.

To sign in using MFA support, you will need to input a code using Google Authenticator (or similar) application. 

Please check the following video for the demo and additional information

CAD Add-ins and Multi-Factor (MFA) Authentication 

OpenBOM supports a large number of CAD integrations between all mainstream popular CAD platforms and OpenBOM. These integrations provide you an unmatched way to intelligently extract engineering and design data to produce Bill of Materials with all associated information – meta-data, files, and neutral geometry derivatives. 

As we introduce MFA support for OpenBOM, it will also be supported by CAD add-ins.Conclusion 

The way we see it, in this day and age, data is just as valuable as gold, so why take a chance of having someone break into your vault.  

At OpenBOM we work hard to provide maximum security protection to our customers and their data. As part of our continuous efforts to improve the data protection and security levels of our customers, we introduced MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication) in the last OpenBOM production update. The functionality is available for all OpenBOM Company Subscribers and must be configured by the Administrator. 

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at support at openbom dot com. Or try OpenBOM Free with our 14 Day Trial.

Best, Oleg

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