Drill down into new OpenBOM data properties – Date and Currency

Oleg Shilovitsky
Oleg Shilovitsky
3 June, 2019 | 2 min for reading
Drill down into new OpenBOM data properties – Date and Currency

In this article, I want to share detailed information about new OpenBOM data properties – Data and Currency.

Date Property

The new Date property type and with Date widget selector in the grid allows you to choose Date and save it in a preferable format. Settings of default data is in the User Preference dialog. New properties may also be defined as type Date. The date is an important step towards supporting effectivity in BOMs (stay tuned and start thinking about planning and effectivity).

Use the Add Property command to add a public property (such as Date Shipped) or a private custom property defined as Date to your BOM or Catalog.  In this example, I inserted “Ship Date” which is defined as Date.

Once the property is added key in data values as you would with any other property.  OpenBOM will format the date as defined in the default date format in your user profile (see below).  Use may also use the data picker as shown below:

To change the format of the date property, use the Rename/Edit Property command under the Property Name Drop Down menu:

New Currency property type – Currency formats and symbols

The new Currency property type will make life much easier for the folks involved in purchasing your BOM items. Currency now can be formatted in the way you like and supports a number of default Country formats and symbols. Also currency formatted values can be used in formulas and calculations (was requested by many users).  New properties may be defined as Currency and must be numeric.

Again, the default Currency format is set in your user profile as above and may be set on a case-by-case basis for each instance of a Currency property.Setting the value, in the example below I set the Currency Format to BE United Kingdom (UK)

This video is a good summary of how to work with new OpenBOM data properties – Date and Currency.


Data and Currency are two very important properties that will enrich OpenBOM data management significantly by providing rich data elements that can be used in BOM and Catalogs. Watch our future development of effectivities and improvements in purchase order planning functions.

Best, Oleg

PS. Let’s get to know each other better. If you live in the Greater Boston area, I invite you for a coffee together (coffee is on me). If not nearby, let’s have a virtual coffee session — I will figure out how to send you a real coffee.

Want to learn more about PLM? Check out my Beyond PLM blog and PLM Book website

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