OpenBOM – Live Streaming and Q&A

Oleg Shilovitsky
Oleg Shilovitsky
23 June, 2022 | 2 min for reading
OpenBOM – Live Streaming and Q&A

Since the advent of social media, live streaming has become a powerful way to connect with your audience in real-time. We’ve been active in social media, blogging, and videos. Today, we want to open a new chapter in our communication – Live Streaming. 

At OpenBOM we are always looking for ways to innovate and improve the experience we provide to our customers. But we want to take it really seriously. For us, we start our work with our customers way before they actually become our customers and subscribe to OpenBOM. For us, we look at everyone who comes across our website, blog, Youtube channel, and many other information resources. 

In today’s blog post, I’d like to bring up our new initiative – Live Streaming, and discuss with you how you think it can help you to communicate better and learn all the ins and outs of OpenBOM. Stay tuned and give me your feedback. 

I’ve been experimenting with different ways to communicate and share knowledge for the last 15 years. It all started with my first experience of setting up a professional blog to share my PLM knowledge. If you never checked it, please do it now Beyond PLM. I’m sharing my knowledge, news, and comments about the engineering and manufacturing software industry. 

Live Broadcasting – Topics Request

We are planning to experiment with live broadcasting and Q&A sessions with our community of users at OpenBOM. The idea is to be able to create a new communication channel with everyone about multiple topics. Here are some of the topics I’m thinking about for broadcasting. 

  1. Digital Transformation vision 
  2. Moving from Excel documents to Data
  3. Learning OpenBOM fundamentals 
  4. Customer interviews 
  5. Best practices 
  6. Quick tips 
  7. Others…

Experimental Broadcast 

I appreciate your feedback and participation.


We are starting with a new communication experiment – Live Streaming and Broadcasting. In this initiative, we would like to open a new opportunity for communication with the OpenBOM team, and professionals and help you learn how to improve your work by adopting more efficient tools and technologies. We realize that technology is only part of the problem. I’ve heard the following phrase many years ago – “Technologies are easy, but people are really hard”. So, by starting Live Broadcasting, we would like to find a better way to communicate and build the future OpenBOM communication and digital community. 

Thank you very much for your feedback and thoughts. 

REGISTER FOR FREE to check out how OpenBOM can help you today. Start a free 14-day trial and check out all of OpenBOM’s features and functions. 

Best, Oleg

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