NEW Function – Order from Catalogs and Receive Purchase Orders

Oleg Shilovitsky
Oleg Shilovitsky
9 February, 2021 | 2 min for reading
NEW Function – Order from Catalogs and Receive Purchase Orders

I’m super excited to preview new enhanced purchasing and inventory control functions coming in the next couple of weeks to OpenBOM. In case you missed my earlier article – Enhancements of Purchasing and Inventory, please check it out now. 

Today, I’d like to take a deep dive into each of the topics. Let’s start with Order functions for catalogs. 

Current Order (BOM) functionality is available for any BOM, which makes planning functions useful for overall production planning and purchasing. However, we found that a use case to order components or sub-assemblies can be also very useful and helpful in many scenarios when components and assemblies are ordered earlier for long lead and special items. 

New “Orders” Panel

The new Orders panel is now available in the catalog and it will allow creating an order for any catalog items.  It adds a lot of flexibility to support an advanced purchasing process (eg. for long-lead item components or just to order to stock for the future). You can create a new order or you can add items to answer the existing order. 

Receive PO Function

The next function after that, we are enhancing is the PO (Purchase Order) receive function. This function will allow doing several very useful things – manage the status of PO (open/received), Receive PO command, which will automatically increase the quantity on hand for all items from the PO. 

Please check the following video, which will give you an idea of what is coming.


Coming new functions will significantly increase the flexibility and robustness of Purchasing process OpenBOM is capable to manage. It will allow supporting various scenarios of advanced purchasing and inventory management.

Check it by yourself – register to use OpenBOM for free and start a 14-day trial for Company Subscription NOW. 

Best, Oleg

Want to learn more about PLM? Check out my Beyond PLM blog and PLM Book website. Read OpenBOM customer reviews on G2 Crowd to learn what customers are saying about OpenBOM. 

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