Nothing stands still in this world, change is the only constant. This old pearl of wisdom also applies to engineer and manufacturing. Once something is designed, chances are you will keep changing it. Even a new product will sometimes be created as a copy of an existing one with some changes applied.
I’m super excited to introduce you to a new function at OpenBOM – change request and approval mechanism. This function allows you to create a formal process to approve changes and create a Bill of Materials Revision only after the changes have been approved by people assigned to make such approval. The diagram below shows you a simplified routing schema supported by OpenBOM to make approvals.

The change request and approval process is a very simple process that can fit even a manufacturing company with a small number of users. However, introducing this process can create a formal way to control all changes.
Watch the video with a short demo of these functions.
Read more about the OpenBOM change approval mechanism.
OpenBOM change approval process is the first introduction of change management processes in OpenBOM. More to come. OpenBOM change approval processes is available as part of OpenBOM company subscription. Check our how OpenBOM helps thousands of users and manufacturing companies to create Bill of Materials and manage purchases.
Best, Oleg @ openbom dot com.
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