VIDEO: Preview OpenBOM Graph Navigation New Commands

Oleg Shilovitsky
Oleg Shilovitsky
19 July, 2023 | 2 min for reading
VIDEO: Preview OpenBOM Graph Navigation New Commands

Data navigation is critical in the Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) world, yet PLM systems are known for their cumbersome user interfaces, often forcing users to perform multiple clicks just to move between pieces of information. At OpenBOM, we recognize this challenge and have dedicated ourselves to improving and simplifying the user experience.

Today, I am excited to introduce new features and commands to OpenBOM Graph Navigation—namely, the item information panel, the ability to navigate directly to a Bill of Materials (BOM), and the ability to navigate to a catalog. These features greatly enhance usability and make data navigation more streamlined than ever.

Item Information Panel

The item information panel is a new feature that presents contextual data in conjunction with the nodes you navigate and select within the graph. This panel, positioned on the right side of your screen, will provide you with comprehensive data for each item, eliminating the need to bounce between screens or tabs for more information.

Navigate to Bill of Materials

With the new Graph Navigation commands, if you select a node associated with an item that contains a Bill of Materials, you’ll have the ability to directly open the corresponding BOM in a new browser tab. This will save you valuable time and reduce the number of clicks necessary to access the required information.

Navigate to a Catalog

Similarly, when you select a node for an item, you’ll now have the ability to open the item’s BOM for editing right away. This brings a more intuitive approach to catalog navigation, letting you move smoothly between nodes and the associated BOMs.

Video Demo

To provide a clearer understanding of these features in action, we’ve prepared a video demonstration that takes you through real-world examples of how these new commands work and how they improve data navigation. Stay tuned for the video’s release, as well as the upcoming launch of these features.


With these new features, OpenBOM has made significant improvements toward simplifying the user experience. We’re facilitating more seamless navigation between different data islands and silos, enabling you to work more efficiently and effectively.

To experience these features for yourself, register for a free 14-day trial. We’re confident that once you’ve had a taste of our simplified data navigation, you’ll understand why so many are making the switch to OpenBOM.



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