User Defined View With Numeric Conditions for Property Values Filter

Oleg Shilovitsky
Oleg Shilovitsky
30 November, 2022 | 2 min for reading
User Defined View With Numeric Conditions for Property Values Filter

Today, we are going to show you how to use the numeric conditions for property values filter in User Defined Views. By using this filter, you can create customized views of your data that meet specific criteria. For example, you could use this filter to view only records that have a value greater than or equal to a certain amount. Let’s get started!

Slice and Dice Your Data

OpenBOM user-defined view just became a bit smarter than before. Now you can define conditional formatting on number values. Which open many opportunities to create better filters than you’ve been able to define before. For example – Quantity on Hand is less than 10, Cost more than $100, Lead time is more than 10 days, etc. 

Here is how you do so. When you define the filter now you can define a condition – Equal, Greater, or Lower. 

Building a User-Defined View with a Specific Condition

In my example today, I will show how you can define a user-defined view that will always show you items with low stock (in my case, low stock means QOH< 10). I created a view with the filter how it was defined and now you can choose this view in both catalogs and BOMs. 

Check this out as a catalog example. 

However, a more sophisticated example is a bill of materials (BOM) when you’re dealing with structured data. OpenBOM user-defined view can filter such structure as well. 


In the following video, I demonstrate how you can build this custom view and use it in both catalogs and BOMs. Please check this out. 


OpenBOM’s new user-defined view filter capabilities allow you to define an advanced filter with a condition to check numeric values with < > = conditions. It gives much more flexibility and allows us to define a simpler way to slice & dice information for decision-making in catalogs, orders, and bills of materials. Check this out. 

REGISTER FOR FREE and start a free 14-day trial to check how OpenBOM can help you today. 

Best, Oleg 

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