Updates: OpenBOM Drive Settings Video Library

Oleg Shilovitsky
Oleg Shilovitsky
25 July, 2022 | 2 min for reading
Updates: OpenBOM Drive Settings Video Library

Files are an essential component of data management for manufacturing companies. From CAD files to specifications and drawings, they are all part of product development. Some of the most crucial pieces of information are stored in files. OpenBOM Drive provides flexible, scalable, and robust mechanisms to manage and link files stored within OpenBOM itself as well as other networks or hard drives.

OpenBOM Training Library 

Unless you missed it, OpenBOM Training Library is the main place where you can expect to get updated information about all materials about OpenBOM, documentation, training course, and useful links. Check this link. Because OpenBOM Training Library is indexed by Google, I highly recommend you just Google any questions you might have about OpenBOM. Keep in mind, that we are actively developing OpenBOM, so pay attention to the video or publication date. 

New Playlist: OpenBOM Drive Videos

As we are looking at how to provide the best self-learning environment for our customers, we just released a new playlist of OpenBOM Drive videos to help you start using OpenBOM Drive. 

Setting Up and Initial Configuration 

Registration and Purchasing

OpenBOM Drive Enable and Installation 

Configuring Anti-virus 

OpenBOM Drive – Add Account By Team/Company Admin

Features and Functions 

OpenBOM Lock and Collaboration – Folder vs Vault 

Share Data With Team Members 

OpenBOM Drive – Start Using By Moving Data To OpenBOM Drive


Where is my S:> Drive?

Why I don’t see files in my OpenBOM Drive Dashboard? 

Why OpenBOM SolidWorks Drive Menu is Greyed out?

OpenBOM Drive Trial

Keep in mind, that you need to request a free OpenBOM Drive Trial by sending an email to support at openbom dot com. An automatic trial will be available soon. 


I hope you find our new video library useful for you to start using OpenBOM. We are preparing a dedicated free training course about OpenBOM Drive that will soon be available in our training library. Stay tuned. 

REGISTER FOR FREE to check out how OpenBOM can help you and your team today. 

Best, Oleg

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