​​OpenBOM Overview In 10 minutes And 3 Videos

Oleg Shilovitsky
Oleg Shilovitsky
3 August, 2022 | 2 min for reading
​​OpenBOM Overview In 10 minutes And 3 Videos

OpenBOM is an online platform that is always looking at ways to share information about OpenBOM online. You can find documentation and information about OpenBOM in the following resources: 

With so much information available you might feel a bit overwhelmed as a newcomer. We are always looking for better ways to give you an introduction to OpenBOM. 

I’m super excited to bring you a short set of three introductory videos about OpenBOM that can help you get OpenBOM ideas and basic functions in just under 10 minutes. In the following videos, you will see Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3 introduction focusing on the three group of OpenBOM functions

  • Platform, Item and BOM management, Data Sharing and Collaboration
  • Integrations, CAD Add-ins, and OpenBOM Drive PDM functions
  • Production planning, purchasing, Inventory control, RFQ, and POs. 

Please check them out. 

Part 1 – OpenBOM Platform and Collaboration 

In this video, I cover the basics of OpenBOM, including data management, collaboration, OpenBOM Item catalogs, dashboard, search, and BOM management. You will learn how to do basic navigation, create BOMs, use Where Used functions, and share data. 

Part 2 – CAD Integrations and OpenBOM Drive PDM 

OpenBOM gives you a new Drive – a virtual disk to manage all CAD files and collaborate with your engineering team. Together with CAD add-ins, it allows you to capture information from CAD, seamlessly create Items and BOM, and manage revision and change management processes including approvals of ECOs. 

Part 3 – Production, Procurement, Inventory, and Purchasing

The last video covers functions of OpenBOM related to production planning, inventory, vendor information, ability to create Orders and generate POs and RFQs. OpenBOM will give you a simple yet powerful system to manage production batch planning with procurement functions. 


The new set of OpenBOM Introduction 2022 videos gives you an easy way to learn about OpenBOM main features and functions. OpenBOM Is an online PDM and PLM system that gives you elements of MRP planning including Inventory control, vendor management, and POs. Check this out – it is a simple and powerful tool 

REGISTER FOR FREE to learn how OpenBOM can help you today. 

Best, Oleg

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