OpenBOM Introduction Videos Series: All You Need To Know To Get Started!

Oleg Shilovitsky
Oleg Shilovitsky
3 May, 2021 | 2 min for reading
OpenBOM Introduction Videos Series:  All You Need To Know To Get Started!

Video is quickly becoming an important way for us to learn intricate subjects online. Video as an educational medium has made it much easier to produce and share detailed instructions and let’s be honest, has made it much more entertaining. We as a society love watching videos!

With that sentiment in mind, we at OpenBOM have created tons of videos that can help learn the ins and outs of our platform. 

OpenBOM Training Library 

OpenBOM training library gives you tons of resources to learn about OpenBOM. It includes the Getting Started section, online course, data management, useful articles and links. 

OpenBOM YouTube Channel 

YouTube is another great place to learn more about OpenBOM. Check out our Youtube Channel to be kept up to date with new tutorials as well as any updates that may be coming your way.  Make sure to subscribe to our channel so that you can be notified of new and exciting videos!

OpenBOM YouTube Channel

We’ve also gone ahead and created a short series to get you up and running with the basics of what OpenBOM has to offer.  Take a minute and check them out below…

Welcome to OpenBOM 

Features and Benefits 

Importing Data from Spreadsheets, CAD and websites

Real-time collaboration and simultaneous editing 

Data Import Hands-on 

Revisions and Change Management 

Production Planning and Inventory Control 



At OpenBOM we understand the importance of educational material. It is especially important these days when online work is quickly becoming the mainstream communication tool. You can find a lot of educational materials online about OpenBOM. As always our experts are always here to help!  

If you haven’t had a chance to try out OpenBOM then click on the link below for your FREE 14 Day Trial! 

Best, Oleg

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