Heads Up: New OpenBOM File Upload Drag-and-Drop User Experience

Oleg Shilovitsky
Oleg Shilovitsky
23 November, 2023 | 2 min for reading
Heads Up: New OpenBOM File Upload Drag-and-Drop User Experience

In the modern digital software world, the importance of User Experience (UX) cannot be overstated. UX is an important element of the success of any software application, and it plays a key role in ensuring that users can efficiently and effectively interact with a product. 

At OpenBOM, we understand the importance of UX and continuously work to enhance and improve its UX. One of the latest improvements is the introduction of a new drag-and-drop file upload feature.

Here are four key points to understand the significance of this new feature and why it matters:

File Management is Critical:

In today’s data-driven world, efficient file management is more critical than ever. Companies deal with vast amounts of data, including 3D models, documents, images, and more. Although new cloud-based design systems are growing fast, there is still a big need to manage files and use files as part of product data. 

OpenBOM’s cloud-based platform is designed to help organizations manage their product data and BOMs efficiently. Easy and reliable file upload capabilities are essential for users to store, organize, and share their data effectively.

Introducing Drag-and-Drop:

OpenBOM is taking a big step forward in improving the file upload experience by introducing a drag-and-drop feature. This feature allows users to simply drag files from their desktop and drop them into OpenBOM, making the process more intuitive and efficient. Initially, this feature will be available for reference properties, and OpenBOM has plans to expand it to other areas, including images and design projects, in the future.

Check Out the Video:

I captured this video to give you a heads-up. I hope you will like how easy and efficient this new feature makes file management within OpenBOM.


User Experience is at the heart of every successful software application. It encompasses how users perceive and interact with a product, which directly impacts their satisfaction and productivity. OpenBOM recognizes that a seamless and intuitive UX is crucial for its users to get the most out of their platform. By continually improving the UX, OpenBOM aims to make its users’ lives easier and more efficient.

User Experience is not just a buzzword; it’s a fundamental aspect of software development that directly impacts users’ daily tasks and overall satisfaction. OpenBOM is committed to continually enhancing its UX to provide the best possible experience for its users. The introduction of the drag-and-drop file upload feature is just one example of how OpenBOM is listening to user feedback and working to make its platform even more user-friendly.

To experience these improvements and more, we invite you to register for free and explore OpenBOM. Discover firsthand how OpenBOM’s dedication to improving UX can help streamline your product data management and BOM processes, making your work more efficient and productive.

REGISTER FOR FREE and check how OpenBOM can help. 

Best Regards,


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